2024 Season

Welcome to the 2024 Season

Inshore Series Overall


Cowes Corinthian Yacht Club

30/08/2024 to 01/09/2024

A fresh Easterly breeze sent the strong fleet quickly on their way down the Western Solent. Gusts were isolated meaning that a real game of snakes and ladders was at play. Corafin showed the early pace with Jemmana and Andaxi battling it out. Alice Butcher was back with Panache, again single handed and showing many boats just how quick she is!
At Hurst, the fleet split. Andaxi and Jemanna led Coric and Starsteak down the more direct Northerly route. Corafin chose the Needles Channel with Connie and Carinosa trying to chase her down. Blanco initially went for the sneaky cut through however prudence decided that the Needles was a better option!
While Andaxi and Jemmana continued to play snakes and ladders to the North, Carinosa managed to sneak inside Corafin and Connie at Bridge. All was set for the charge across the bay.
Those to the North had a better angle, those in the South a bit more pressure but at times a little tight. Poles were well forward and the fleet charged for Poole.
As the finish approached, it was clear that it would be close and it would be decided on the line. Would Andaxi sneak ahead of Jemmana? Could Carinosa hold off a last minute surge from Corafin.
It couldn't have been tighter, Carinosa snuck over the line for her maiden win, just ahead of the next four - all who finished within a boat length of each other. Even after twenty nine miles of racing, Panache finished just ahead of the next group of four of Blanco, Muscadet de Havelet, Starstreak and Coric. The first ten boats had split evenly North to South yet still finished within three minutes of each other.
This year was a first visit for the event to the Poole Quay Boat Haven; the marina team were delighted to be welcomed onboard Jemmana as judges for the Cowes-Poole-Cowes Bake Off. Various Cakes and tasty treats were presented. Some better looking than others, some definately better cooked than others! At the end of the judging; Andaxi's chocoholics' dream was a worthy winner.
A lively pontoon party hosted by Muscadet set the tone for an outstanding dinner at the Oriel restuarant on Poole Quay.
Some sore heads woke to lighter winds and a very much shortened course. Surely just nine miles wouldn't be too far..? Racing was sent away by the local crew of Trican into a building northerly breeze. That Northerly became North Easterly and then East before flipping back to the North and North West. Kites went up, kites came down. Some boats found some breeze, others found holes. With a building foul tide shooting around Hengisbury head, after three hours and nor more than six miles of progress made, many decided to call it a day. Andaxi, Jemmana and Carinosa had squeezed out a small lead; however Jemmana went offshore into a large hole while Carinosa and Andaxi found an elusive bit of breeze in on the beach.
After over four hours of racing, a fortuitous lift on the last tack to the finish saw Carinosa sneak ahead of Andaxi to take the win by a length. Starstreak were the only other to hold their nerve as the wind finally turned fair and brought them to the line some twenty minutes later.
A cracking weekend of racing, baking and socialising was had by all.
Sail No. Name SH Overall 1 2          
CO718 Carinosa 2H 1 1 1          
CO701 Andaxi   2 2 2          
CO753 Starstreak   3 9 3          
GBR2958 Corafin   4 3 RET          
CO370 Jemmana   5 4 RET          
GBR6541 Connie   6 5 RET          
CO608 Panache 1H 7 6 DNC          
CO682 Blanco   8 7 DNC          
GBR5500 Muscadet de Havelet   9 8 RET          
GBR222T Coric   10 10 RET          
GBR5154 Wild Thyme 2H 11 11 RET          
CO905 Liamar   12 12 RET          
CO698 Caramor II   13= DNC DNC          
CO926 English Rose   13= DNC DNC          

Cowes Week

Cowes Combined Clubs

27/07/2024 to 02/08/2024

A 15 strong Contessa 32 fleet enjoyed a week of Champagne sailing for 2024 Cowes week. Whilst there was a wait for wind each and every morning, it filled in every day bar one, ensuring 6 great races could be completed. Conditions were, in general, light with around 6-10kts and Friday was slightly windier allowing for plenty of tactical decision making. Courses ranged from 90mins to 4 hours but Collateral proved the most consistent winning four of the six races and coming 2nd overall in Black Group. Gualin even cut short their cruising plans to join in for one more race double-handed! The fleet also enjoyed an excellent Pontoon party hosted by Drumbeat and a fabulous dinner at the ISC followed by dancing til the small hours in the Anchor.
Sail No. Name SH Overall 1 2 3 4 5 6  
CO918 Collateral   1 2 1 1 1 3 1  
CO701 Andaxi   2 1 2 4 2 2 3  
CO671 Mary Rose Tudor   3 4 4 2 4 1 OCS  
CO651 Drumbeat   4 5 3 3 3 4 2  
CO682 Blanco   5 11 6 6 5 6 4  
CO370 Jemmana   6 6 5 7 6 5 6  
GBR2958 Corafin   7 9 7 9 7 7 5  
CO718 Carinosa   8 10 10 8 8 8 7  
CO776 Nimbus   9 7 11 10 9 9 8  
GBR2751R Jemima of Farley   10 3 8 5 NER NER NER  
GBR1370R Coh Karek   11 12 12 11 12 12 9  
K5165 Toucan   12 13 13 13 11 10 10  
GBR568 Gualin   13 8 9 NER 10 NER NER  
CO753 Starstreak   14 NER 14 12 13 11 11  
GBR3318T Pelican   15 14 NOD NER NER NER NER  


Royal Solent Yacht Club

12/07/2024 to 14/07/2024

Collateral emerged victorious again, continuing their domination of the series so far, in three long and exciting races in a mixture of sunshine and showers. Wind were light and from the west, with a short delay both mornings waiting for the 5-8kts to fill in.
Sail No. Name SH Overall 1 2 3        
CO918 Collateral   1 1 1 1        
CO651 Drumbeat   2 3 4 3        
CO671 Mary Rose Tudor   3 5 2 4        
CO401 Merak II   4 4 7 2        
CO682 Blanco   5 2 8 5        
CO370 Jemmana   6 7 3 6        
CO640 Concerto   7 8 6 7        
CO926 English Rose   8 6 5 DNC        
GBR6541 Connie   9 9 10 RET        
GBR1370R Coh Karek   10 10 11 DNC        
GBR2958 Corafin   11 DNS 9 DNC        
CO718 Carinosa 2H 12 DNC DNC 8        
CO697 Boudicca   13 11 12 DNC        
CO687 Equator   14 DNC DNC DNC        


Royal London Yacht Club

29/06/2024 to 30/06/2024

A light wind event with shifty conditions. Sunshine on Saturday, some showers on Sunday but otherwise fair. One WL on Saturday, 2 WL and one RTC on Sunday.
Sail No. Name SH Overall 1 2 3 4      
CO918 Collateral   1 1 1 5 2      
CO651 Drumbeat   2 2 3 1 4      
CO701 Andaxi   3 4 2 2 3      
CO682 Blanco   4 3 4 4 TLE      
CO370 Jemmana   5 6 8 3 1      
CO718 Carinosa 2H 6 5 5 7 DNS      
CO944 Bird   7 DNC 6 8 TLE      
GBR2958 Corafin   8 7 7 6 DNF      
GBR222T Coric   9 8 10 10 TLE      
CO697 Boudicca   10 DNF 11 11 TLE      
GBR6541 Connie   11 9 9 9 DNF      


Island Sailing Club

15/06/2024 to 15/06/2024

34 entries, 15 starters, 5 finishers. Sustained winds of more than 30kts and gusts over 40kts made the 2024 Round the Island one of the most demanding in recent years. Four of the five finishers stayed close together all the way around finishing within 3mins of each other, with Bugler taking the win and 3rd overall in ISC.
Note that only boats that started have been included in this list. There were 19 other boats entered which considered the weather and made the decision not to venture out.
Sail No. Name SH Overall 1            
GBR8874Y Bugler of Hornet   1 1            
GBR3419 Binkie II   2 2            
GBR2751R Jemima of Farley   3 3            
CO651 Drumbeat   4 4            
GBR2958 Corafin   5 5            
CO351 Contessa Calypso   6= DNF            
CO640 Concerto   6= DNF            
CO926 English Rose   6= DNF            
CO753 Starstreak   6= DNF            
BEL629 Lecas   6= DNF            
GBR634T Harlequin   6= DNF            
CO905 Liamar   6= DNF            
CO710 Speedwell   6= DNF            
GBR222T Coric   6= DNF            
GBR3318T Pelican   6= NOD            


Royal Solent Yacht Club

01/06/2024 to 02/06/2024

Another enjoyable weekend in the Western Solent for the 2nd Contessa regatta featuring CO32s, CO26s, CO28 and a single CO35. A mixture of stronger and lighter winds generally from the NE, but sunshine throughout!
In usual Royal Solent style, the weekend started on Friday night with a drinks reception sponsored by vineyard Louis Jadot to ensure that everyone was raring to go for the weekend. The race officer mentioned that he intended to start on the Northern shore meaning boats had to leave promptly in the morning. The wind had been forecast to be light all weekend, but Saturday dawned and we found ourselves beating against 20 knots and against the tide to make the startline. Proceedings were a little delayed to allow the CO26s to make their start, with the 14 CO32s the only fleet that was all present and correct.
Three races were run on Saturday in winds from the NE ranging between 14-25kts, with strong gusts making the downwind legs quite fruity. Last year's winners and local boat Merak unfortunately had an issue with the kite which put them out of contention in Race 1 which was ultimately won by Drumbeat followed by Jemmana and Collateral. Racing was incredibly clsoe with all boats finishing within 12 minutes of each other over a 1hr30min race. In race 2 a failure to notice a change in the course, meant Collateral and Drumbeat sailed a slightly longer race than the rest of the fleet which allowed Merak to capitalise to take the win. A deliberately longer course was set for the whole fleet for race 3 as the wind built. A number of boats found it tricky to control the rolls downwind and Concerto unfortunately lost a crew member overboard in one of the bigger gusts. Thankfully the RSYC rib was onhand to fish him out of the water and take him back to shore to get warm. The race was won by Drumbeat who were leading overnight followed by Collateral and Merak II.
Saturday evening started with some delicious rum punch provided by Jeremy Rogers Limited and the race committee once again reminded boats that they should leave promptly. The CO32s were praised for all listening the night before. After a tasty dinner, the CO32 remained the last ones in the bar dancing until the lights came on with some excellent shapes being thrown on the dancefloor in the club and later in Saltys.
Despite some sore heads, all but one boat ventured into lighter breezes on Sunday. The Race Committee tried to start the CO26s but strong tides made it impossible for them to make headway in only a few knots of breeze. The sun was shining so no-one really minded. A repositioning of the committee vessel allowed time for the wind to build just enough but the upwind-uptide legs felt much much longer than going the other way! A gruelling 2hr race in fickle conditions meant that positions changed frequently, but ulimately Collateral took the bullet ahead of Drumbeat. A shorter race home was set for race 5, which on paper looked like it was mostly downwind, but a 180degree wind shift halfway down the run meant it turned into a challenging beat. Hats off to Connie who lost her main on the first leg but still managed to finish and not come last! Another bullet for Collateral meant that, once the discard came into play, they took other overall championship on countback from Drumbeat.
Thanks go to Royal Solent YC & Jeremy Rogers Ltd for an excellent weekend. Great racing at the front, middle and bottom of the fleet showcasing the excellence of the CO32.
Sail No. Name SH Overall 1 2 3 4 5    
CO918 Collateral   1 3 2 2 1 1    
CO651 Drumbeat   2 1 4 1 2 2    
CO401 Merak II   3 DNF 1 3 3 3    
CO370 Jemmana   4 2 3 5 10 7    
CO682 Blanco   5 5 5 7 5 4    
CO640 Concerto   6 4 9 DNF 4 5    
GBR5765 Assent   7 7 6 4 6 6    
GBR2958 Corafin   8 6 7 8 9 9    
GBR6541 Connie   9 10 8 6 7 12    
CO718 Carinosa 2H 10 9 11 10 8 8    
GBR8876T Trican   11 8 10 9 DNC DNC    
GBR1370R Coh Karek   12 DNF 12 11 12 10    
GBR5154 Wild Thyme   13 12 13 DNF 11 11    
CO753 Starstreak   14 11 14 12 DNF 13    


Island Sailing Club

18/05/2024 to 19/05/2024

A light wind event where Collateral burst onto the 2024 scene with a bang.
Saturday was very light and shifty, with the first race getting started after a short delay. However race 2 was abandoned shortly after the start as the dying breeze in conjunction with the strong tide meant most boats struggled to cross the start line. Sunday was better, with three shorter races completed. The new-boat-old-faces combo of Ray Mitchell in newly purchased Collateral took three bullets and one third place to take the overall title, closely followed by old faces Drumbeat and Andaxi.
Sail No. Name SH Overall 1 2 3 4      
CO918 Collateral   1 1 1 1 3      
CO651 Drumbeat   2 2 3 2 2      
CO701 Andaxi   3 3 2 4 1      
CO682 Blanco   4 4 5 5 4      
CO370 Jemmana   5 6 4 3 OCS      
GBR2958 Corafin   6 8 6 7 6      
GBR6541 Connie   7 11 8 6 5      
GBR1370R Coh Karek   8 10 10 9 7      
GBR222T Coric 2H 9 9 9 10 8      
CO718 Carinosa 2H 10 7 7 DNF DNC      
CO753 Starstreak   11 12 11 8 DNF      
GBR2751R Jemima of Farley   12 5 DNC DNC DNC