
Team Racing Results and Schedules

Keith and Jo have provided the schedules and results systems for countless Team Racing events in the UK and worldwide.
During 2015 we developed the program to publish live team racing results and schedules online. After some initial testing the system was used to great effect during the 2015 ISAF Team Racing World Championships.
Since 2015 the system has continued to be developed and is now used at a wide range of open, university and school team racing events.

Currently use of the live system requires Jo or Keith to attend an event. We are working towards making the online system user friendly enough to be available for general use.
Alongside the live system, Jo and Keith maintain a Microsoft Excel based scheduling and results system which can be used for any team racing event. If you are in need of a schedule, or a results management system, do please get in touch and we can try and help where possible.

For help and support for your event, please visit ksail.co.uk or contact Keith Sammons