Scottish Sailing Leagues - Results

Provisional Result

Results pending verification

Result Team Platinum Wins Platinum Appearances Gold Wins Gold Appearances Silver Wins Silver Appearances Bronze Wins Bronze Appearances
1 Strathclyde pink 17 20
2 St Andrews pink 11 20
3 Edinburgh Green 9 20
4 Strathclyde Orange 7 20
5 Edinburgh Blue 6 20
6 Edinburgh White
15 20
7 Glasgow Pink
14 20
8 St Andrews Yellow
11 20
9 Dundee black
7 20
10 Glasgow Green
4 20
11 Strathclyde Blue
10 16
12 Edinburgh Pink
10 16
13 Strathclyde red
7 16
14 Strathclyde green
7 16
15 Glasgow red
4 16
16 Aberdeen blue
14 16
17 Dream team
11 16
18 Dundee red
10 16
19 Aberdeen Green
3 16
20 St Andrews Red
2 16

Tie Breaks and Notes

Dundee black (TUR (pink))
extra win per protest hearing
Glasgow Green (BUL (yellow))
extra win per protest hearing based on average wins across leagues of 1.25
Strathclyde Blue (CHN (blue))
Strath Blue won 66.7% of races against Edi Pink, gold win removed per protest
Strathclyde red (BRA (pink))
Strath Red won 75% of races against Strath Green
Glasgow red (TUR (yellow))
extra playoff awarded per protest only