Feva Stage 1 Summary

Result Team
Races Sailed
Race Wins
Win Points
1 Sevenoaks (Red) 10 9 7    
2 King's (Blue) 10 7 6.5    
3 Sevenoaks (White) 9 7 6    
4 RHS (Blue) 10 5 3.5    
5 Claires Court A (Feva) 10 5 3.5    
6 RHS (Grey) 10 4 3.5    
7 Claires Court B (Feva) 9 3 3    
8 RHS (Green) 10 3 2.5    
9 King's (Yellow) 10 1 0.5    

This stage has been scored using the Win-Points System. Please refer to Addendum J of the Sailing Instructions for Tie Break details.