Stage 1 Summary

Result Team
1 Strathclyde Pink (P BRA)
2 Edinburgh Blue (B THA)
3 Strathclyde Red (Y FRA)
4 St Andrews Yellow (Y BRA)
5 St Andrews Pink (P CHN)
6 Strathclyde Green (B FRA)
7 Edinburgh White (W USA)
8 Edinburgh Green (B GRE)
9 Glasgow Yellow (Y UKR)
10 Glasgow Purple (B USA)
11 St Andrews Red (Y CHN)
12 ** Strathclyde Blue (B TUR)
13 ** Edinburgh Pink (P UKR)
14 ** Dream Team 2 (Y THA)
15 Dundee Black (P TUR)
16 ** Dream Team 1 (B CHN)
17 Glasgow Red (Y TUR)
18 Aberdeen Blue (B BRA)
19 Dundee Red (B UKR)

This stage has been scored using the HLS System. Please refer to Addendum H of the Sailing Instructions for Tie Break details.