Overall Result

League Results      
Gold League  
Races Sailed
Race Wins
1 RNCYC A 6 6
2 Oxford Blue B 6 5
3 Rutland Raiders D 6 4
4 WKSC Girls G 6 3
5 Cambridge Blue C 6 2
6 Rutland Hydra E 6 1
7 Ireland F 6 0
Silver League  
Races Sailed
Race Wins
1 RHS A 5 5
2 Budworth Beacons C 5 3
3 Womanchester F 5 2
4 Bath Thyme D 5 2
5 UEA White B 5 2
6 Warwick Mermaids E 5 1

This stage will be scored in accordance with RRS Appendix D.